The new benefit cap
This practical course looks at the cap on total household benefits, government changes made in 2016-17 and the strategies that can be employed to sustain a tenancy when the household is affected by the cap.
The Advice category contains learning within the following advice areas which you can browse:
Consumer (3); Debt and Money Management (31); Employment (11); Family (10); Health (1); Housing (74); Immigration (8); Law and Courts (4); Welfare Benefits (77).
This practical course looks at the cap on total household benefits, government changes made in 2016-17 and the strategies that can be employed to sustain a tenancy when the household is affected by the cap.
This self study pack will help you understand how the social fund, local welfare assistance system and DWP advance payments work.
A webinar that will cover what the under-occupancy rules are, what options affected tenants have, and recent caselaw.
This course will provide a detailed analysis of the unfair relationship provisions of the CCA 1974 (ss104-140C) and in particular recent developments in the case law.
For advisers with a good working knowledge of benefits and tax credits who will need to provide advice and assistance to Universal Credit claimants. It includes practical exercises and case studies to illustrate how UC affects different categories of claimants.
For advisers with a good working knowledge of benefits and tax credits who will need to provide advice and assistance to Universal Credit claimants. It includes practical exercises and case studies to illustrate how UC affects different categories of claimants.
This self study pack provides an overview of universal credit. This pack helps with identifying who can claim, calculating claimant entitlement and describes the conditions for making and maintaining a claim.
This course provides learning for you to be able to assist claimants with ensuring that inappropriate conditionality is not imposed and to help with challenging sanction decisions when something goes wrong.
You will learn who is affected under Universal Credit, how best to support them, particularly those who are vulnerable or in difficult circumstances, and also have a chance to refresh your knowledge of Universal Credit entitlement and calculations.
Universal Credit introduces a major change in the way that some welfare benefits will be delivered to claimants which presents challenges for both landlords and residents. This course considers the mechanisms of Universal Credit and how it may impact on landlords and residents and will focus on the growing importance … Read More