Learning Directory
From learning and development opportunities that are free, open to use anytime, to training courses from Citizens Advice and other organisations, the Learning Directory has over 450 learning opportunities listed.
Use the search box above to do a general search on the learning opportunities or click on the Category buttons below to browse the learning opportunities in a particular subject.
Use quotes to search for an exact phrase
Searching a phrase in “quotes” will return only results with the same words in the same order as what’s in the quotes. It’s especially useful if you are trying to find results containing a specific phrase. Example: “Universal Credit”
Browse by Learning Category
With a range of topics, learning methods, and costs, the Learning Directory has something for everyone.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can email us to request learning – we’ll do our best to find something for you, or, if there’s enough people interested, Advice Skills Academy could explore the possibilities for arranging or buying in some training.