Welcome to the February ASA Update  

This month we’ve got information on ASA Training and bitesize learning on Critical Thinking, and How To Be More Self-Aware at Work.

Advice Skills Academy Training

Stay Focused, Stay Well – Skills and Strategies for Managing High Workloads in Advice Services


Take Charge of Your Career and Personal Development

Mental Health Awareness for Frontline Workers

Metal Health Awareness Training
Please Note: This is the last session we will be doing
Bitesize Learning

How often do you question your assumptions, judgements and decision-making?  Critical thinking, asking questions about the way you think and make decisions, is now considered an essential skill in the workplace.  Critical thinking can help individuals and teams work more effectively by diagnosing problems better, and coming up with better solutions.

For a range of useful worksheets and TED Talks about critical thinking visit the Unimenta website.

Studies have shown that 95% of people think they have good self-awareness, when in reality only about 10 – 15% of people do.

People who know what drives them, know what their passions are, and understand the impacts they have on the people around them, are more effective. That’s why self-awareness is such an important aspect of work.

Have a look at this article for why self-awareness matters, as well as ideas on how to develop your self-awareness.

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For more articles on developing your self-awareness visit the following websites: