Suspending a warrant
Covering what a warrant is, and what suspending a warrant means.
The Advice category contains learning within the following advice areas which you can browse:
Consumer (3); Debt and Money Management (31); Employment (11); Family (10); Health (1); Housing (74); Immigration (8); Law and Courts (4); Welfare Benefits (77).
Covering what a warrant is, and what suspending a warrant means.
A course that explores antisocial behaviour in relation to housing and legal and other remedies to landlords and residents.
This practical course provides an understanding of the tax credits system including how the tax credits calculation will change in April 2016. It enables participants to maximise income through tax credits and helps claimants avoid problems including those caused by overpayments.
This course rounds up all the outstanding issues you may encounter with tax credits, including during the transition to Universal Credit.
A course that explores the law as it applies to the provision, management and termination of temporary accommodation.
This course teaches delegates the law governing the transfer of different types of tenancy during the tenant’s lifetime and on death.
This course increases delegates’ knowledge of the law relating to occupation of rented accommodation, through an examination of the more intricate issues concerning security of tenure. Course materials have been updated to include Equality Act 2010 defences after Akerman-Livingstone v Aster Communities Ltd (2015) UKSC 15.
A comprehensive introduction to the law as it relates to tenure in the public and private sectors.
For advisers to gain an understanding of issues for landlords facing mortgage repossessions, including authorised and unauthorised tenants.
For advisers with a knowledge of the possession process. Delegates should have attended the Housing Foundation Course or have gained knowledge of the possession process through practice.