Debt relief orders: the basics
This e-learning will help you to understand this debt remedy. You’ll be looking up information on DROs using CABlink and AdviserNet.
All learning from the Advice – debt and money management category
This e-learning will help you to understand this debt remedy. You’ll be looking up information on DROs using CABlink and AdviserNet.
This course is aimed at those who want to expand their knowledge of what the law / guidance actually says. The course will help you understand that there is no centralised source of information regarding a DRO. What we need will be contained somewhere in (insolvency) legislation, case law or … Read More
This e-learning identifies the general powers of the enforcement agent and the rights of the client in relation to council tax. It also helps the adviser identify a range of options for dealing with enforcement agent problems.
This self study pack will help to define relationships between financial capability and advice. Helping people to draw up budgets, increase income, minimise expenditure and identify bank accounts.
The module covers how the regulation of debt advice impacts on you as an adviser as well as the debt advice you provide and how you can make sure you are complying with the regulations.
This module is about identifying debt emergencies and how to deal with them.
An introduction to money and debt advice for those new to money and debt advice.
From giving advice to managing a caseload – this collection of courses will equip people with the skills to deliver debt advice.
This learning activity looks at common payment methods. It assumes that any priority debts have been dealt with and arrears payments are being made alongside the ongoing commitments.
Clients coming for debt advice often have several priority debts. This e-learning will help you to feel more confident about the different aspects of negotiating offers for priority debts.