Welfare Benefits Law and helping people to challenge unfair decisions.
Tutor:- Helen Green, Continuing Education, University of Liverpool. Welfare Benefit Law course aims to help both claimants and advisers to understand how decisions about state benefits are made how to challenge unfair decisions.
The course will be 5 sessions, 2 hours per session 6 to 8pm, starting
Wednesday 28th February 7th 14th 21st 28th March 2018
Course provides an overview of the reform to the welfare benefit system. We will study Universal Credit which has caused significant decrease in income and in many cases, has resulted in sanctions and debt. We will look at Bedroom Tax and discover how the Benefit Cap has hit families and reduced the amount of help they get with housing costs. We will consider the issues facing people from abroad who need to claim state benefits. We will explore the increased problems for people with disabilities and their carers who are claiming Employment Support Allowance and Personal Independence Payments. The course will guide everyone through this complex system of State Benefits and explain how to challenge unfair decisions.
For more details contact Helen by email:
All students who complete the course receive a University of Liverpool Certificate. Course reference number is CRN22073
Fees: £25 if you receive (or you are an unwaged dependent of someone who receives)Job Seekers Allowance, Employment Support Allowance (Income Related) Working Tax Credit, Income Support, Housing Benefit, State Pension Credit or Universal Credit
£39 if you are eligible for State Retirement Pension, or are a full-time student, or are a University of Liverpool staff member or £49 if none of the above apply