How to frame a business case

This course looks at reading strategies which help you to frame a business case. In particular, you will learn how to use key business concepts to analyse a business situation.

Implementing the project

This course will introduce some of the key techniques that help managers to monitor and control projects, and consider what approaches work best in particular circumstances.

Managing projects through people

This course identifies the groups and individuals whose appropriate involvement in a project is important for its success, and considers the ways in which their contribution might be maximised.

Planning a project

This course will help you gain an appreciation of the range of tools and techniques useful for planning a project, with Gantt charts, critical path analysis, SMART objectives and estimation skills just some of the topics covered.

Preparing a project

This course provides an overview of the features of a project and some of the key issues that can arise when managing a project.

Project management

This course draws on some of the common principles in current project management thinking and takes the learner from how a project comes into existence through to what needs to be done once their project is complete. It will help them to ensure that the work they put in to … Read More