Managing Projects – Thursday 8 and Thursday 22 November 2018 (1.5 days)

08/11/2018 @ 10:00 am
Advice Skills Academy

managing projects

Thursday 8 and Thursday 22 November 2018 (1.5 days)

Projects play a key part in the delivery of services these days, so knowing how to plan and manage them is becoming an increasingly in-demand set of skills. This course is ideal if you  are planning projects, fundraising for projects, or moving into project management.

Delivered over one and a half days on the two dates, this course will help you to:

  • Understand what projects are, and the key stages in project delivery
  • Start planning projects, using tools and techniques to help identify key objectives, resources needed for the project, as well as developing timelines for delivery
  • Understand the key activities of monitoring, reporting, and evaluation of projects.

If you need any further information then please email