ASA Mentoring Programme

Advice Skills Academy is introducing a partnership-wide mentoring programme that will provide a way for people to share their skills, knowledge and experience across organisations, and across the ASA partnership.

Our workforces have a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience.  The Advice Skills Academy mentoring programme will facilitate the sharing of this expertise, to benefit staff and volunteers across the partnership and to help us continuously learn and improve our working practices.

As part of its strategy to promote the 70:20:10 model of learning, we are developing the mentoring programme as an initial 12 month pilot.

What is mentoring?

Mentoring is a partnership between two people. It is a process of on-going support and development which addresses learning and development needs identified by the mentee. The agenda is set by the mentee, with the mentor offering guidance and support in the form of pragmatic and objective assistance. Mentoring programmes provide an opportunity for mentors and mentees to meet on a regular basis to engage in discussions which support self-development. It is about identifying opportunities as well as solving problems.

ASA Mentoring Programme – getting involved

ASA has developed some programme guidance that outlines what mentoring is, what benefits there are to getting involved, and an introduction to what’s involved.
To get involved in the ASA mentoring programme you’ll need to apply to be a mentor, or a mentee. Download the Mentor or Mentee application forms, and return by the dates set out below.
ASA will help to ‘match’ people looking for support (the mentee) with those with more experience (the mentor), based on information that people provide us through the application form.

Applying to be a mentor

Before volunteering as a mentor, you would need to commit to:

  • One day’s mentor training
  • Further self-development of mentoring skills as required
  • At least two hours a month/six weeks for 3 – 6 months to meet with your mentee (this will include preparation and post session reflection, an average mentoring session would be between 60 and 90 minutes)
  • Completing the reflective learning log and contributing to the pilot review process

If you are interested in volunteering as a mentor please complete the mentor application form, arrange for it to be approved and signed by your line manager and send it to 

Applying to be a mentee

Before requesting a mentor, you would need to commit to:

  • At least two hours a month/six weeks for 3 – 6 months to meet with your mentor (this will include preparation and post session reflection, an average mentoring session would be between 60 and 90 minutes)
  • Completing the reflective learning log and contributing to the pilot review process

If you are interested in working with a mentor, please complete the mentee application form, arrange for it to be approved ad by your line manager and send it to