Wishing you all the best for Christmas and New Year!

Welcome to the ASA Update for December, with bitesize learning on Top Tips for Learning at Work, Productivity and attention management. Also news about how Advice Skills Academy has been highly commended for Learning at Work Week again.

Learning at Work Week 2019

ASA Highly Commended for second year for its Learning at Work Week 2019 activities
Advice Skills Academy has been awarded ‘Highly Commended’ for the second year running, for its Learning at Work Week activities which took place during 13 to 19 May 2019.
This year’s Learning at Work Week was enjoyed by many more people across the ASA partnership organisations, with really positive feedback:
“I enjoyed LAW Week and look forward to 2020. I believe it helps colleagues to interact with each other more, and brings Citizens Advice together as a team”
For more information on the ASA Learning at Work Week impact award, visit the Campaign for Learning website.
Learning at Work Week for 2020 is during 18 to 24 May and the theme is ‘Learning Journeys’ – here’s to a great LAW Week in 2020!

Learning at work doesn’t have to stop just because the Advice Skills Academy has ended.
Have a look at this Future Learn blog article for some top tips on how to learn at work, and start planning your learning at work for the next few months.
Future Learn has a range of free courses from universities across the world – so whether you fancy learning about project management, or Digital Skills: Digital Marketing, these courses are well worth a look.

After two decades of studying productivity Professor Adam Grant has become convinced that time management is not a solution – it’s actually part of the problem.
For an interesting insight into why time management could be a barrier to increasing productivity, have a look at the article, and then compliment it with this TED talk by Tim Urban on procrastination.